A Borg company


Plantation Pine Products are committed to creating a renewable resource, in an eco-friendly, and sustainable environment. It is an intrinsic part of the way the business operates, and decisions are based on minimising the impact on the environment.

Sustainable forestry management is practiced with a commitment to looking after the land, waterways, animals and plants, in and around owned or managed plantations, and where harvesting operations are being executed.

Plantation Pine Products purchases sawmill residues including sawdust and wood chips for remanufacture into animal bedding, landscape supplies and production of new particleboard. With the aim to produce new products from old resources and return them to the market, diverting more waste from landfill. Plantation Pine Products is encouraging effective efficient waste management processing, and advocating resource recovery.

The team at Plantation Pine Products are passionate about promoting the natural advantages of wood and its positive contribution to reducing the effects of climate change.

Unlike other mainstream materials, wood and wood products are managed for planting, growing and harvesting, with in single-species or mixed species forest and plantations. This process leads to a range of advantages including reducing the resource depletion of our plant, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere, which is stored in wood as carbon, and lowering the environment impact of construction through lower embodied energy.

Forest and Wood Products Australia

Forest and Wood Products Australia

The Ultimate Renewable™ is resourced by Forest and Wood Products Australia Pty Ltd (FWPA, www.fwpa.com.au) and is a collaborative effort between FWPA members and levy payers; it is supported by industry peak bodies, technical associations and companies and organisations throughout the forestry and wood products supply chain.

Make It Wood

Make It Wood

Make It Wood - Do Your World Some Good is Planet Ark’s campaign to encourage the increased use of responsibly sourced wood as a building material. When sourced responsibly, wood can play a big part in helping tackle climate change. Make It Wood details the benefits of wood and provides examples of how responsibly sourced wood has been used across the world as a building material and for everyday items.